Wednesday, May 18, 2011

crazy may

how is it may 18th already? i can't believe how quickly 2011 is flying by. it's already time for summer break & baseball games!

we have been keeping busy with the house. we are desperately trying to get the house completely put together before baby is here, however, due to our lack of motivation, it is proving to be quite the difficult task. we have gotten a couple rooms painted, but we are nowhere near our goal... and we are only 7 weeks or so out from baby. i'm sure everything will come together when it's supposed to, so we're trying not to stress. besides, there's still so much more to get done for baby - which is far more important!

we ran into another bump on the road regarding baby furniture. all i can say without going into a five page rant is that toys r us in the bane of my existence. in a nut shell, they screwed us over and we are now unable to get the baby's dresser/changing table combo that we ordered in february. the dresser is now out of stock and cannot be purchased ANYWHERE. so we had to go with the next best thing, which was a similar, but different, dresser combo for the room.. which does not match the crib or tall dresser. i'm finally done freaking out about it -- it is what it is. however, i am done with the davenport toys r us for all of eternity. other than that, the baby's room is almost complete. we are now piecing together the decorations and trying to find the right curtains that shut out the right amount of light. we are very excited to have it 100% completed... but mostly for baby to be here to enjoy it!

my pregnancy is going well. i am currently a little over 33 weeks and i am just exhausted! i can't complain too much because this has been quite the easy pregnancy, but i think every woman starts to get a little tired toward the end. i'm just ready to have my body back to myself (in some respect). comfort does not equal scrunched up organs and separated ribs. on a positive note - i've only gained 15 pounds so far, so i'm hoping that my body goes back to my semi-normal size quickly after baby is here.
belly at 33 weeks.
we have been taking a birthing class for the last 3 weeks and we are so happy we decided to enroll. our instructor's name is char and she is a registered doula. long story short - we ended up hiring her and couldn't be more confident in our decision! she will help us carry out our birth plan (basically an all natural, intervention-free delivery) and will ensure that the midwife, nurses, and other hospital staff do the same. i am hoping that having an extra person of her expertise around will help me to stay focused on the task at hand, as well as keep the thoughts of narcotics and epidurals out of my head!

morgan's job is going really well and is about to get super busy. he was recently told that he'll be moving from a cubicle into an actual office, so he's pretty pumped about that. poor guy has been doing traffic counts for the last 2 days and coming home with quite the sunburn. i told him that he gets the crap jobs because he's still a newbie... he didn't like that too much. :)

i guess the last real thing to update is that we have a new nephew! on monday, may 16th, my brother and sister-in-law welcomed their fourth baby boy into the world. his name is kinnick kenton maine, and he is definitely a keeper. he weighed only 8 lbs. 10 oz., which i know is a lot to most people, but all of his brothers weighed over 10 pounds! he was 21" in length. we can't wait to watch him grow and play with our sweet baby... won't be too long!

- the mays'


his goofy big brothers - krue, kaedon, & kalen.

sweet baby kinnick!

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