Monday, March 5, 2012


i always think i'll find time to get to the blog, but time seems to slip away from me! it appears as though it has been 6 months (GASP) since my last blog. this also means that my sweet daughter is 6 months older - which makes me a little bit sad.

a recap of the past few months:

october: we had our first annual outing to wilson's orchard to get our pumpkins. charlotte was a cat for halloween. she was pretty cute.
november: we ate turkey. charlotte had her usual - milk. had a fun visit from morgan's cousin, damian, and his wife, victoria.
december: big month for charlie girl. she got her first tooth, learned how to sit unassisted, and started eating foods (started with avocado - she is not a fan, btw.) we celebrated our first christmas as a family and had an absolute blast. we also got to visit with our kentucky family - we love and miss them!

january: more baby milestones! charlie began clapping and pulling herself up to stand. (yikes.) i quit my job and began staying home with charlotte full time! WOOOOOO!!! charlie became the most popular baby at area wrestling meets. we also started a business.
february: baby girl is on a roll - she began waving bye-bye and crawling. (charlotte officially needs a helmet.) celebrated valentine's day and spent lots of time snuggling! charlie got her first "real" booboo - a picture frame fell and hit her on the head:(  also celebrated uncle logan's sweet 16!

that brings us to march - hello, march! so far this month, sweet charlie girl surprised me by using sign language for the first time!! we have been signing with charlie since she was 6 months old (just a few things for now, such as: milk, more, finished, bath.) yesterday afternoon she signed to me that she would like some milk! so off we went to nurse. i was so proud, i could have bursted!

so to touch on a couple of things i mentioned about the last 6 months....
I AM NOW A STAY AT HOME MOM (SAHM)!!!!!!!! easily the best decision i have ever made. there is nothing better than being there for every breath of charlotte's life. i swear she looks at me differently now, knowing that i'm by her side every single day.
the only way i am able to stay home is through the business we have started, which is already off to a good start. we are so excited to get everything rolling!!

we just re-painted our the entire downstairs of our house... i must say - WE LOVE IT. my sister-in-law, steph, chose all of our colors (because i am design-illiterate) and they look absolutely amazing. i will post photos when i have a chance.

i have been trying to stay busy by helping with the Carnival for Chiari. our nephew, kalen, was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation last winter and requires brain surgery - which will take place march 26 in chicago. we are putting on a carnival to raise money for the medical bills they have sustained as well as for the chiari foundation. the Carnival will take place on may 19 at the wilton high school track. if anyone is interested in being a part of the carnival or donating their time, please let me know!! we need all the help and support we can get.

i'm going to try to get back into my groove with a weekly blog. i may need a reminder from time to time so feel free to harass me:)

dinner and baby girl are calling....

-the mays'

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