smiles! |
we have a growing girl on our hands! charlotte is getting so big, and her personality is starting to really shine through. at her doctor's appointment last wednesday, she weighed 10 pounds (51st percentile) and was 22 1/4" long (70th percentile). she also began smiling last week, which is amazing in itself. she still gives off serious faces for the most part, but catching a glimpse of her smiles is seriously heart-melting!
pam, the midwife who delivered charlotte. |
charlie & i have been able to spend less time on the couch and more time getting things done around the house. (even though we'd much rather snuggle all day!) i've been utilizing our crockpot and making meals a couple times a week. it's been very difficult to prepare meals due to charlotte's dairy intolerance. (i can't have any dairy as it is comes through my breastmilk and causes tummy issues for charlie.) i cannot explain how difficult it is to make dinner without CHEESE! we are going on week number three without dairy, and i must say it has gotten easier. (especially since i discovered dairy-free icecream!)
with cousin kaedon. |
kash was evicted a few weeks back. having a puppy and a newborn was proving to be too much to handle, especially a dog with a "disability." he began acting out due to all the changes and was chewing up everything of charlotte's that he could get his paws on. there were a million other reasons why he needed to go as well. my mom has him, and he is happy out on the farm. morgan is devastated, to say the least. :(
with cousin kalen. |
we are still waiting for news of the birth of charlotte's cousin. morgan's sister, martina, is a few days overdue with baby #2 and we are so anxious for his or her arrival! we may be heading down to kentucky if time allows. morgan's bridge will begin construction soon so he will be working overtime as well as weekends, making a weekend escape nearly impossible. i go back to work in 4 weeks and i could not be more devastated about it. i feel like i
need to be home with charlotte, and that she
needs me too. it's going to be insanely difficult.. not looking forward to it!
lounging with daddy. |
we are headed to the iowa state fair tomorrow for the kansas/doobie brothers concert. pending the weather, i may not be going since i basically have to take charlie everywhere i go. (this is the same reason i gave my motley crue ticket to my brother. also, i wasn't ready to leave charlie with a sitter yet!) however, if we are able to go, charlie has a sweet aerosmith onesie she'll have to wear! she's such a rocker. although, when i was pregnant with her, she much preferred the musical stylings of sublime than any classic rock. she's a ska baby! :)
her favorite place in the world. :) |
alright, i feel like i'm rambling and i honestly don't have too much to say, so i'll take this opportunity to flood our blog with pictures of sweet charlie girl. enjoy!
-the mays'