last weekend we took a trip down south to kentucky so we could have christmas with morgan's sister, martina, her husband, billy, and their daughter, reagan. normally the 9-hour drive isn't all that bad, but when you have to pee every hour it becomes a bit of a nuisance. we left friday morning at 4:30 am and drove through the thickest fog and the hardest downpour of rain to get there. needless to say, when we finally reached our hotel, we were beyond relieved. (especially me, who spent a great deal of the car ride bawling in a state of panic, convinced we were going to die.) we were doing great and then i caught a little bug later that night (new year's eve) and ended up falling asleep around 8:30. i was quite excited to wake up the next morning feeling 100% better. we couldn't wait to see everyone. the rest of morgan's family had driven down there earlier in the week, so the whole mays family was together. it was our first time seeing miss reagan since she learned how to walk - so cute! it's incredible how quickly kids grow when you don't see them every day. she is even saying words, which is so cute to hear her little voice! we spent a great deal of time trying to get some family photo ops taken (thank you jon & laura) but in general, it ended up being simply hilarious. logan & jerome are quite the comedians to say the least. on the way home, we got to stop at an outlet mall in indiana which was AWESOME. we spent a bulk of our time in motherhood maternity scoping out their sales, as well as in baby gap. (which, ps, they have hardly any gender neutral outfits - such a bummer!) although we enjoyed our time in kentucky, we were very happy to be home and in our own beds. weasley missed us terribly. kash didn't seem to mind - he got to spend the whole weekend out at granni's.
this is how you fit 10 people on a couch! |
we assumed that this past weekend we would take it easy since we had been on the go so much last weekend. martina, billy, and reagan made the trip to iowa so we headed over to morgan's parent's house to spend time with them. how lucky were we to get two weekends in a row with them? saturday was a long day for us -- i discovered the day before that my chosen cloth diapers for the baby were being discontinued and thought i had a few weeks to purchase them before they were gone. by saturday morning, they had been completely removed from the website and i was in a state of complete & total panic. not to mention we decided to discuss the baby's nursery which ended up in a bit of a disagreement. the extinction of my diapers plus the dying vision of my dream nursery equalled several hours of tears for me. can i just say that the absolute WORST part of pregnancy is the hormones? for. real. it is quite the roller coaster ride and trust me, you have zero control over it! we finally came to a consensus, and just then, we discovered that the crib set we adored only came in black & white. GRRR. we need expresso to match our wood trim! back to square one. (however, i did discover early this morning that my cloth diapers were back on the site! $350 later, we have our complete stock of bumgenius all-in-ones. whew!)
crazily insane mays boys |
on an even better note, this last week was when i started to feel little baby mays moving around. i'm only feeling little flutters, but it's enough to make his or her presence known! very, very excited for this, and definitely can't wait for the stronger kicks and movements to start! (that way daddy can be a part of it, too!)
reagan & uncle morgan |
-the mays'