Sunday, September 25, 2011

playing catch up

i have a lot to catch up on since i last blogged, so here it goes! (get ready for a photo overload!)

our little hawkeye fan
charlie had a check up on september 12th (11 weeks old) and she continues to grow. she weighed 11 pounds and was 23 inches in length. she fell to the 36th percentile in weight and 55th percentile in height. still no signs of a "maine head" - 53rd percentile for head size. the doctor said she isn't concerned as long as charlie "finds her place" on the chart. in my opinion, we would know if something is wrong with charlotte. she is fed on demand (which is generally every two hours) and has a healthy number of dirty diapers each day. reglardless, i refuse to supplement with formula. it's just not for us. we go back in mid-november for another check up.

on september 17, we attended the conquer chiari walk across america in burlington in support of our nephew, kalen, who has chiari malformation. chiari malformation is a brain disorder consisting of the downward displacement of the cerebullar tonsils through the opening at the base of the skull. it causes headaches, fatigue, muscle weakness in the head and face, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, nausea, impaired coordination, and, in severe cases, paralysis. kalen had an amazing support group show up for the one-mile walk around crapo park. hopefully, with the money raised for chiari research, a cure can be found.

us with kalen

the maines
after the walk, i helped get my sister, cassie, and morgan's sister, christina, ready for their homecoming dance. this was cassie's first homecoming and i am just baffled at the fact that she is in high school!! both cassie and christina looked absolutely stunning.

and now for sad news...i started back to work last week. :(!!! monday was definitely one of the hardest days of my life. my sister-in-law, steph, is taking care of charlie during the week until morgan's mom is finished with her seasonal job. my grandma takes charlie on wednesdays which is AWESOME because my grandma lives near my office, so i get to nurse charlie on my lunch breaks. it is so hard leaving her behind for so many hours, but we are so grateful that she is getting such wonderful care!! the only thing that is kind of a bummer is her new dependency on bottles. charlie had been exclusively breastfed up until last week. now she gets a few bottles a day while being babysat, which has made her extremely fussy and impatient when at the breast! silly little girl is quite picky. she will learn!

this past weekend, we had planned a trip to saint louis for the cardinals/cubs game. this was my anniversary gift for morgan and we were SO excited! it was our first family trip and my first MLB game! we were a little over halfway there when the odometer, speedometer, and cruise control all stopped working. confused, we pulled over at the nearest parking lot and shut off the car in an effort to "reboot" the system. when we did this, the car decided to stop working properly and would only go in 5th gear or reverse. so morgan got on the phone with our insurance agent immediately while i got our sweet baby out of her carseat and nursed her. (she had been asleep for the entire 3 hours we had been on the road!!) morgan was calling everyone - ford dealerships, towing companies, etc. trying to get everything figured out. meanwhile, charlie took a massive poo that ended up shooting up her back and leaking through her clothes. i got charlotte cleaned up while morgan continued on his quest to get our car situation figured out. finally, we discovered there was a ford dealership in the very town we had broken down in (palmyra, missouri) and they said they'd come get us. (this was after morgan discovered we had a premium warranty on our car, covering all expenses.) we spent a few hours at the ford dealership, realizing our hopes of making it to the 12:00 cardinals game were dashed. finally, the mechanic told us that we had an intermittent sensor issue and the part wouldn't be in until tuesday. he said the car would run and work just fine, but the issue would appear again at some point - but he didn't know when. we decided that it was best to get a rental car since we had charlie with us. we didn't want to get 20 miles down the road and have the same issue. so we got driven to the nearest car rental place - which was in quincy, illinois. charlie and i sat in the van with the lady who drove us while morgan went and got our car squared away. this is when charlie started to get a little impatient. she began fussing, so i nursed her. but then, after a while, she wouldn't calm down. i was trying everything i could until suddenly, i felt it. poop. all the way up her back, around her sides, and all over her onesie. again. my kid is a poop machine, i tell you!! so i get charlie all cleaned up and morgan gets the keys to our kick ass hybrid honda insight hatchback. LOL! we feel like complete tools in that dang car. after we got the car, we decided we should just drive home. we pulled in our drive around 3:00 pm - about 10 hours after we left. what a disaster!!! all we can do is laugh because it's just one of those things. we are all safe and that is all that matters. we were very fortunate to break down in podunk, missouri versus saint louis! perhaps the most devastating detail of the entire situation (for me) was the fact that charlotte didn't even get to wear her adorable cardinals outfit i had bought her. so, i put it on her today so it didn't go to waste. :)

the rest of the fall seems like it'll be pretty busy. morgan's brothers, logan and jerome, are both in football, so we try to make it to all of their games as weather permits. morgan is also working like a crazy person. he does his normal 40 hours with missman each week and then works another 25-35 hours a week picking seed corn with local farmers. charlotte and i miss him dearly!! we are ready for winter and for things to slow down a bit. maybe then i'll be able to blog a little bit more! (who am i kidding?)

-the mays'

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

babbling beauty!

sweet charlie girl is now 8 weeks old and has discovered her voice!! take a look at this video posted to our new youtube account.


- the mays'

Monday, August 15, 2011

7 weeks old!

we have a growing girl on our hands! charlotte is getting so big, and her personality is starting to really shine through. at her doctor's appointment last wednesday, she weighed 10 pounds (51st percentile) and was 22 1/4" long (70th percentile). she also began smiling last week, which is amazing in itself. she still gives off serious faces for the most part, but catching a glimpse of her smiles is seriously heart-melting!

pam, the midwife who delivered charlotte.
charlie & i have been able to spend less time on the couch and more time getting things done around the house. (even though we'd much rather snuggle all day!) i've been utilizing our crockpot and making meals a couple times a week. it's been very difficult to prepare meals due to charlotte's dairy intolerance. (i can't have any dairy as it is comes through my breastmilk and causes tummy issues for charlie.) i cannot explain how difficult it is to make dinner without CHEESE! we are going on week number three without dairy, and i must say it has gotten easier. (especially since i discovered dairy-free icecream!)

with cousin kaedon.
kash was evicted a few weeks back. having a puppy and a newborn was proving to be too much to handle, especially a dog with a "disability." he began acting out due to all the changes and was chewing up everything of charlotte's that he could get his paws on. there were a million other reasons why he needed to go as well. my mom has him, and he is happy out on the farm. morgan is devastated, to say the least. :(
with cousin kalen.

we are still waiting for news of the birth of charlotte's cousin. morgan's sister, martina, is a few days overdue with baby #2 and we are so anxious for his or her arrival! we may be heading down to kentucky if time allows. morgan's bridge will begin construction soon so he will be working overtime as well as weekends, making a weekend escape nearly impossible. i go back to work in 4 weeks and i could not be more devastated about it. i feel like i need to be home with charlotte, and that she needs me too. it's going to be insanely difficult.. not looking forward to it!

lounging with daddy.
we are headed to the iowa state fair tomorrow for the kansas/doobie brothers concert. pending the weather, i may not be going since i basically have to take charlie everywhere i go. (this is the same reason i gave my motley crue ticket to my brother. also, i wasn't ready to leave charlie with a sitter yet!) however, if we are able to go, charlie has a sweet aerosmith onesie she'll have to wear! she's such a rocker. although, when i was pregnant with her, she much preferred the musical stylings of sublime than any classic rock. she's a ska baby! :)

her favorite place in the world. :)
alright, i feel like i'm rambling and i honestly don't have too much to say, so i'll take this opportunity to flood our blog with pictures of sweet charlie girl. enjoy!

-the mays'

Monday, July 25, 2011

4 weeks old

it's so hard to believe that it has been 4 weeks since we welcomed miss charlie into the world. it's even harder to remember what life was like before her. i can't believe how complete we feel - and how much fun she is! i have to admit, being first-time parents is pretty hectic - but it is even more amazing!

sweet charlie girl
in the past couple of weeks, we've gotten a little more brave about taking charlie places. morgan and i took charlotte to her first chiro appointment at robinson family wellness in north liberty. can i just say how much we love it there? if anybody in the area is looking for a GREAT chiropractor, let me know and i'll get you the information for dr. ron. you won't be disappointed! anyway - back to my original train of thought. charlie was found to be out of place in one (very common) place, so dr. ron adjusted her and we were on our way. i couldn't believe the change i saw in charlotte immediately, and even more so during her late night (and early morning) feedings. she is a much calmer baby now - which is absolutely wonderful if you ask me!

i also took charlotte into work to meet my coworkers. my sister came with me to make it a little bit easier - and i was so thankful she did! what an awesome help cassie was. she helped carry everything while charlie was fussing, and even sat in the back of the car with her on the way home to keep her calm. thank you sister!! we had fun, and it was nice to see everyone again!

this past weekend we took charlotte to a luau party in durant for some birthday & graduation celebrations. she was okay minus the terrible heat. we stayed inside most of the time and then decided to leave. it was just too hot for the sweet girl. but it was lovely seeing everybody - we were so glad to have gotten to go.

us at the luau party
when i became a mother, or rather when i discovered i was pregnant, i thought being a mom was going to be relatively easy. i worked at a daycare for 3 1/2 years, not to mention i've babysat since i was 10 years old. i didn't think i would have any issues or really need anything at all. but then i had charlotte. i don't want to call myself neurotic, because i don't feel like that's the correct term, but i'd definitely say i'm overly cautious and very concerned about every aspect of charlotte's life. for example, she recently started getting little bumps all over her face, and they spread pretty rapidly. yep, i freaked out a bit, only to find out that it's 100% normal and there's nothing i can do about it (except wait for it to clear up). another example, when nursing, sometimes charlotte becomes upset and pulls away. so i'd take her off, but she'd cry and act like she still wanted to eat. so i'd put her back on and it'd start over again. CLUELESS! i had nooo idea what was wrong, and was beginning to feel like a terrible mother due to my inability to diagnose my child's issue. i'm learning that it could be a number of things... one being a reaction to dairy in my diet, another being that baby's just fuss, or it could be that she just wants to "comfort nurse" but is unable to due to the fact that milk is coming out. soo... my solution - cutting dairy out of my diet completely, trying to soothe her in every way possible when this happens, and trying out different pacifiers to see if there is one she'd prefer over another. (ps - the nuk wins every time.) this is where other moms prove to be so, so helpful. i have relied heavily on my friend jenn, as well as a group of mothers who i've gotten to know through a pregnancy app for iPhone. (welcome to 2011, right?) their combined expertise makes me feel so much more sane again! i couldn't be more grateful for their advice. charlie and i are getting the hang of things - but it is still so wonderful to know that other people have experienced these things, too!

as for morgan and i... morgan has been extremely busy with work, which is typical for the summer months. they have been putting in a new runway at the quad city airport, so that is where he has spent most of his time... typically 10-12 hour days. you should see his tan! :)
i, on the other hand, have been enjoying maternity leave to the fullest. there's nothing i'd rather do than be at home with my sweet daughter. she is such a blessing!!! i feel like when it is all said and done, i will be able to publish a humorous book titled, "the adventures and misadventures of maternity leave: no detail left to the imagination." every single day is a new adventure, and every plan takes a left turn no matter what you do! (like this morning, for example, we were going to go downstairs and relax, maybe take a nap. then, out of nowhere, charlotte vomits all over my hair. okay! a shower will be fine instead.) either way, the time i spend with her is so precious, even if she is pooping and puking on me.

charlotte has been sleeping for quite a while, so i'm going to take this time to get some things done before we head into town. (hopefully we make it there - silly girl always has different plans for us!)

-the mays'

OH - her pictures are up on ben shirk's website! please check them out.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

charlie updates

the last 3 weeks have flown by! we can't believe how much charlotte has already changed. she has already had some fun adventures with mom and dad, including a trip to see some fireworks. (she slept through the whole show, and did not even budge when the big "boomers" went off. she was more startled by the screamers.)

charlie had her first pediatrician appointment yesterday afternoon. after much research and interviewing, we went with dr. zuercher at the iowa city family practice. we are so happy with our decision! dr. zuercher supports our rights as parents to decide which vaccines/medications, etc. we'd like to give our child (if any). we couldn't be more impressed with the way her first appointment was handled (aside from the one hour wait). charlie is back up to her birth weight - she weighed 7 pounds 12.8 ounces yesterday, which is in the 50th percentile. she has already grown an inch in length - she is up to 20.5 inches (50th percentile) and her head size is also in the 50th percentile (which, so far, indicates she does NOT have a maine head). she got a little fussy toward the end because she was hungry, so we had to sit in the car and nurse for a good 20 minutes after her appointment. (the office closed while we were there so we couldn't hang out and nurse there.) we go back in two weeks to check her growth, and then we will basically be going back once per month until she hits a year.

tomorrow, morgan and i are putting on our brave faces and taking charlotte with us to go see the final harry potter movie. we decided to go to an early showing for a plethora of reasons, but mainly because she sleeps a lot in the morning hours. the movie is only 2 hours & 10 minutes long, so if she does wake up, it would likely only be to quickly nurse and go back to sleep. (hopefully she doesn't poo herself!) i'm just not ready to leave her with a babysitter yet, so she will just have to come with us. we're likely going to the 10:30 am showing, so we're hoping there won't be a ton of people there.

also - we got charlotte's newborn pictures done. omg. i can't even begin to explain how incredibly difficult it was to narrow it down to a few photos! they are not on the website just yet, but in a few days you will be able to go to, click client portraits, and her photos should be listed under mays newborn. they are truly the cutest things i've ever seen.

so far, being at home with charlie has been so amazing. i'm not sure how i'll ever go back to work. often times we sit in complete silence, just gazing at one another. i'm so worried that i'll miss out on some milestone or be too distracted to notice a smile. it is crazy how much your whole world changes once you bring a child into the world. even as i sit upstairs on the computer, i feel my body aching to go downstairs and grab her, even though i know she's safe & perfectly content in her daddy's arms. thankfully the baby blues have packed their bags and left my house - what a rollercoaster that was!!

i was going to add some photos to this blog but it is taking forever for them to upload onto the computer! i will just have to overload my next post. hope you are all enjoying your summer so far!

-the mays'

Monday, July 11, 2011

Charlotte Joanna Mays

i apologize that it has taken me two weeks to blog about our sweet daughter's birth, but believe it or not, becoming parents is very time consuming & exhausting! this is the first time i've been on a computer in weeks, even before charlie's birth. but, while she's taking a little nap, i decided to type up our birth story - or what i could remember of it!

on sunday, june 26 (our first wedding anniversary) i woke up at 6:30 am with contractions. i didn't really think much of it because i had been having them on and off for several weeks. but for some reason i got out of bed and went downstairs to relax. i got morgan's anniversary gift all ready for him to open (cards/cubs tickets) and sat around wondering if i should start timing my contractions. morgan moseyed his way out of bed around 9:00, and i told him what was going on. we decided we should go on a walk to try to help things along (if it was the real deal). the contractions were still bearable but i could tell they were consistent - about 5-6 minutes apart. when we got back from our walk, i took an hour nap, but was awoken by stronger contractions. i decided i should soak in the bath. i remembered our childbirth preparation teacher (who became our doula) saying that if you take a bath & the contractions remain, then it's real labor. if you take a bath & the contractions go away, it was probably braxton hicks. well, when i got out of the tub, i was still having contractions, but they had spaced out further - now 10-15 minutes apart. frustrated, morgan and i decided to go on another walk. the contractions grew more intense and slightly closer together, but the inconsistency in time had me doubting it was real labor. we decided we should head into davenport to celebrate our anniversary. first we went to vanderveer park and walked around the rose garden (where our ceremony took place). next we headed to chili's (because we're classy like that) to have some dinner. i couldn't eat...i just felt different. when we got home that night, i remembered that my chiropractor recommended i drink a glass of wine to "knock myself into labor." i decided that didn't sound like too bad of an idea. i laid on the couch and had 3 sips of a $9 bottle of moscato di asti before my contractions became suddenly intense. it was about 9:30 pm at this point. i went upstairs and instinctively started putting together last minute things in my hospital bag. around 11:00 i decided i should lay down and try to get some rest, even though my contractions were steadily coming every 3-4 minutes and were very painful. (i must admit - i was stalling. i had no desire to go to the hospital due to fear of being turned away. i was in denial that this was real labor, even though i was restless & in obvious pain.) finally, my friend heather convinced me that i needed to get myself out the door to prevent myself from giving birth at the I-80 truck stop. (lol.) so, i told morgan to make the call. (this was seconds after he had laid himself down for bed. poor guy.) the midwife gave the go ahead, we called the doula & checked in with her, and the we loaded the car up. we were on the road to the hospital at 12:30 am.

we got to genesis around 1:00 am. they admitted me to triage where they checked my progress. i was severely disappointed to find out that I was 1 centimeter dilated and 70% effaced. this is the SAME point i was at when i went to my last prenatal check-up the thursday before. so, we were instructed to walk the halls in an effort to move things along. about 2 hours later i was 1 1/2 centimeters and 75% effaced. UN. REAL. i couldn't believe it. i was in excruciating pain at this point and was exhausted beyond reason. we returned to the halls to walk, but had already had our minds made up that we were going to go home and try to get some rest after they checked me again. at 4:00 they checked me and i was 2 1/2 centimeters dilated - which gave me my ticket to a room. i remember feeling extremely worried that i wasn't progressing quickly enough, and i began having fears about a c-section. but everything changed very quickly when my water broke on its own about 20 minutes after getting into my room. i'd say that was when things got real. the pain and pressure i was feeling was unlike anything i could ever begin to explain to anybody right now. i felt helpless, hopeless, and defeated. i was already begging for an epidural - the very thing i wanted NOTHING to do with on any level. the nurse was pretty quick to tell me that if i wanted an epidural, i needed an IV and had to go through a bag of fluid before they'd give me any medication. FINE, i said. give me an IV. (intervention #1.) i then remember begging to labor in the tub. my midwife showed up, checked me, said i was 5 centimeters dilated and gave me the go ahead to get in the tub. that was where i spent 90% of my labor. our doula, char, showed up a short time later, and thank God for her. i was at my wits end and morgan was losing his grip FAST. all i remember is her face in mine telling me that i wasn't getting an epidural because i didn't want one. she told me that i could do this the way i planned and that i'd be thankful once my baby was here.

and that was all it took. the epidural as out of my mind from then on (except for one small moment when morgan and i were left alone where i took the liberty to tell him that he didn't effing understand and that i needed the effing epidural NOW. hehe.). from the time that i got into the tub to the time that our precious baby entered this world, i had absolutely no concept of time. i was in the zone. i remember morgan being so sweet and caring while char was my voice of reason. i remember them holding me during contractions and placing ice cold rags on me in between. i remember them reminding me to breathe and make deep noises with each contraction. i remember them telling me how great of a job i was doing and that each contraction was once step closer to meeting my child.

eventually the bathtub became constricting and i felt as if i was being backed into a corner. they helped me out of the tub - but with each movement came another contraction. (yuuuck.) they suggested that i sit backwards on the toilet and experience a few contractions in that position. O-M-G. never, i repeat, NEVER sit on the toilet!! i could have died! so they walked me over to the bed and had me try a position there, but i didn't like that either. then they got out the birthing ball and asked me if i'd like to sit on it and labor there for a while. all i remember thinking was - ew, how many butts have been on this ball? despite the pain & misery i was in, i asked them to put a towel on it! lol. i can't believe i had the energy to even think of that. (by this point it was at least 7:00 am - so i had been awake for over 24 hours.) morgan says i labored on the ball for 20-30 minutes, although to me it felt like 5 minutes. the last thing i tried was lying on my side in the bed. this was where i felt my first urge to push. it was unlike anything i've ever felt before - my body completely took over and was doing exactly what it knew it needed to do. (awesome!) my midwife checked me and said i was 9 1/2 centimeters, 100% effaced and the baby's head was right there. she gave me the go ahead to push. for some reason - and i don't know why - i pushed from my back. this is 100% the opposite of what i wanted to do (and what i should have done). gravity is our friend, people, and when you're on your back trying to push a baby out, you're working against the laws of physics. but, i was so drunk with exhaustion that i didn't really care. my midwife got the mirror out and set it at the end of the bed so i could see what i was doing and know how to push. what a giant help that was!! i pushed for 45 minutes - although it didn't seem that long - and at 8:31 am, little miss Charlotte Joanna Mays was born. morgan and i got to deliver her together, and morgan cut the umbilical cord. i was in absolute shock -- i thought for sure this baby was a boy! i simply couldn't believe that morgan & i had a daughter to love and cherish - such a wonderful surprise! Charlotte - or Charlie for short - weighed in at 7 lb. 12 oz., 19 1/2 inches.

we were so exhausted, but we were even more in love with our sweet little girl; we both managed to stay awake for several more hours, just staring at our baby and falling deeper & deeper in love with each passing moment.

we feel so fortunate and blessed to have experienced birth the way we planned, and to have such a beautiful result. charlie is truly the greatest blessing in our lives and we look forward to watching her grow, learn, and become her own, sweet little person. :)

-the mays'

sweet girl scratched her face up before pics :(

Thursday, June 16, 2011

stick a fork in me...

... i'm done! finally, i've reached 37 weeks which means that the baby is now fully developed and could survive in the outside world. now, we just need to convince baby mays that life out here is more fun so that he or she will make his or her appearance!! i've officially gained 20 pounds, which, according to my midwives is excellent. other than my discomfort, i've been experiencing a lot of swelling, which is awful (to say the least). from my knees down, i look like a marshmallow. surprisingly, it's very painful and annoying. i spend most of my nights either soaking my feet or resting them on pillows, high above my heart. i know it'll be worth it in the end! we have my 37-week check up tomorrow and we're hoping that i've somewhat progressed as i've been experiencing legit contractions for the last two weeks. so needless to say, i will be devastated if i'm not at least dilated to one centimeter.

37 weeks. i'm a planet.
may (and this half of june) have gone by all too quickly. my 25th birthday was on the 26th and morgan threw me a small surprise justin bieber birthday party, complete with a spongebob pinata. my whole family chipped in and got me a kitchenaid mixer - awesome! i've already used it to make a batch of monster cookies and it saves me so much time - love it!

my sweet bieber necklace :)
we have had new problems come up with kash - he had a seizure last saturday and lost control of his bladder. the vet says that medication could severely harm his liver, so he doesn't want to jump to that just yet. we are supposed to keep an eye on him and document every instance in specific detail so we can try to find a pattern. hopefully it was just a fluke thing.

my sister-in-law, steph, threw me a baby shower last weekend and it was so lovely. she was born to plan parties -- she's so creative!! i am so thankful for my friends & family who came out that day to celebrate baby mays and for all the amazing gifts. :)

my adorable diaper cake - handcrafted by stephanie maine!
i know this is a pretty sad excuse for a blog, but i need to go put my cankles up and get some rest. i haven't been feeling the best lately (hoping this is a sign of baby) and sleep usually does the trick. i hope to be blogging about a sweet little baby in the coming days!!

-the mays'

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

crazy may

how is it may 18th already? i can't believe how quickly 2011 is flying by. it's already time for summer break & baseball games!

we have been keeping busy with the house. we are desperately trying to get the house completely put together before baby is here, however, due to our lack of motivation, it is proving to be quite the difficult task. we have gotten a couple rooms painted, but we are nowhere near our goal... and we are only 7 weeks or so out from baby. i'm sure everything will come together when it's supposed to, so we're trying not to stress. besides, there's still so much more to get done for baby - which is far more important!

we ran into another bump on the road regarding baby furniture. all i can say without going into a five page rant is that toys r us in the bane of my existence. in a nut shell, they screwed us over and we are now unable to get the baby's dresser/changing table combo that we ordered in february. the dresser is now out of stock and cannot be purchased ANYWHERE. so we had to go with the next best thing, which was a similar, but different, dresser combo for the room.. which does not match the crib or tall dresser. i'm finally done freaking out about it -- it is what it is. however, i am done with the davenport toys r us for all of eternity. other than that, the baby's room is almost complete. we are now piecing together the decorations and trying to find the right curtains that shut out the right amount of light. we are very excited to have it 100% completed... but mostly for baby to be here to enjoy it!

my pregnancy is going well. i am currently a little over 33 weeks and i am just exhausted! i can't complain too much because this has been quite the easy pregnancy, but i think every woman starts to get a little tired toward the end. i'm just ready to have my body back to myself (in some respect). comfort does not equal scrunched up organs and separated ribs. on a positive note - i've only gained 15 pounds so far, so i'm hoping that my body goes back to my semi-normal size quickly after baby is here.
belly at 33 weeks.
we have been taking a birthing class for the last 3 weeks and we are so happy we decided to enroll. our instructor's name is char and she is a registered doula. long story short - we ended up hiring her and couldn't be more confident in our decision! she will help us carry out our birth plan (basically an all natural, intervention-free delivery) and will ensure that the midwife, nurses, and other hospital staff do the same. i am hoping that having an extra person of her expertise around will help me to stay focused on the task at hand, as well as keep the thoughts of narcotics and epidurals out of my head!

morgan's job is going really well and is about to get super busy. he was recently told that he'll be moving from a cubicle into an actual office, so he's pretty pumped about that. poor guy has been doing traffic counts for the last 2 days and coming home with quite the sunburn. i told him that he gets the crap jobs because he's still a newbie... he didn't like that too much. :)

i guess the last real thing to update is that we have a new nephew! on monday, may 16th, my brother and sister-in-law welcomed their fourth baby boy into the world. his name is kinnick kenton maine, and he is definitely a keeper. he weighed only 8 lbs. 10 oz., which i know is a lot to most people, but all of his brothers weighed over 10 pounds! he was 21" in length. we can't wait to watch him grow and play with our sweet baby... won't be too long!

- the mays'


his goofy big brothers - krue, kaedon, & kalen.

sweet baby kinnick!

Monday, April 25, 2011

my mommy mobile

oops. we bought a new car. (although we're both very happy with our purchase, even if it was made a few weeks earlier than we had planned.) we are now the owners of a (slightly) used ford edge. we love it! the safety ratings are tremendously amazing, which was our main reason for wanting an edge. this will allow for baby mays to be safe (as well as us and kashmir!)

we did not intend to go into davenport on saturday to purchase a new vehicle. in fact, we had planned on simply looking at edges and getting an idea on pricing, etc. we had actually planned on buying a new entertainment center for our living room! (we never made it to a furniture store.) a few hours later, we were leaving the quad cities without my beloved G6, but instead with our new family car. we smiled as we thought about the baby sitting in the backseat (likely with kash) as we cruise the streets. :)

that's about all the newness in our lives except for the fact that my pregnancy just keeps flying by. we are officially at 30 weeks today and boy am i starting to notice! sometimes little baby mays' movements are painful because s/he is running out of room in there. it's very obvious to us where the butt/feet are at any given time. i generally look pretty lopsided because s/he likes to stick his/her butt up as far as s/he can on my right side! we can't wait to meet this baby.
can i just say that skirts are the most comfortable things in the world?

hope you all had a happy easter! we had quite a busy day - and even got to have an easter egg hunt for our nephews!

-the mays'

Monday, April 18, 2011

spring changes

we have been busy, busy, busy for the last few weeks! it seems as though we never have any weekends to relax on the couch anymore - which i suppose has its good points. we have taken it upon ourselves to start renovating our house the way we want it - which has caused us to start on three rooms at the same time - yikes! this means we have several unfinished projects and countless trips to menard's in our schedule for the next few weeks. can't wait to show you all what we've done.

anywhoo... since my last blog, we've been to des moines twice, we've acquired an 18-month-old for a weekend (practicing, i suppose), and we've had a dumb dog readmitted into the pet hospital. shall we begin?

topping the list of march events - a visit from zach maine! that's right. he came home, or came to iowa (as he calls it) and spent time passing judgement on our computers and schooling small children at nintendo games. that's what makes him feel whole inside. haha. we brought our camera and got some family pics, but none of them take the cake like this one:

in better - and probably more interesting - news, morgan's brother logan wrestled in the state tournament in des moines at the end of march and won the title for his division. WOOHOO! congratulations logan! he pinned his way through the first day, and then made us all about jump out of our seats the second day. but, of course, he pulled it off. it was quite amazing! after the tournament, we had about an hour left to stop at jordan creek mall and take a gander in pottery barn kids. (adorable.) we even had time to check out gap maternity, which was amazing since there isn't one anywhere around here.

on april 2, i threw my sister-in-law, steph, a baby shower. she is due to have her fourth boy on may 23. it was so much fun! we even got a few pictures of steph and i belly-to-belly. we are only 6 weeks apart! the following weekend, morgan and i got custody of krue (our youngest nephew) overnight while jake & steph took the big boys to fun city. i had to leave during the late morning for a while, so morgan got his first try at being alone with a child in diapers. by the time i got home, morgan and krue were best friends. krue truly wanted nothing to do with me, and even had the dog jealous! we had so much fun with him, even though he woke us up about 5 times in the middle of the night, and was up for the day at 6 am. (guess we better get used to it!!)

in regards to our dog - boy, we are having the hardest time with that pup. since his accident in november, it has been pretty difficult to get him to eat much during the day. the vet decided that he was underweight and told us to switch his food, and to even start giving him canned food. it was sad because he wouldn't even eat that! then he stopped responding to the fact that we had come home from work at the end of the day. he would just look at us and lay his head back down. finally, my mom agreed to take him to the vet for us. come to find out, the dork and swallowed a rawhide bone whole and it was blocking his stomach. (seriously, kash? seriously?) so he had to be kept over night and given high dosages of laxatives to break down the bone so he could pass it. yuck. he came home the next day, but wasn't himself until about two to three days after that. now he is back to his rambunctious, adorable puppy self. thank goodness:)
our poor skinny mini :(
as far as the pregnancy goes - we are successfully up to 29 weeks - 11 weeks to go! woohoo!! to be honest, i'm over pregnancy and just so ready to meet this sweet baby. i keep having extremely vivid dreams about the baby coming home and it gets me super anxious! not to mention i'd love to be able to breathe properly, walk without waddling, and see ankle definition at the end of the day. i truly can't complain though because overall this pregnancy has been absolutely wonderful and just a breeze. i will definitely miss the feeling of this little babe kicking away! (however, i will not miss the constant jabs to my bladder!) also, watching morgan bond and play "knock knock" with my belly will never get old.

me at 29 weeks!
we are getting close to being prepared for baby. the room is painted and all the big furniture is either already assembled or being shipped to us. morgan is working on baby's closet shelving as i type. all that is left are the decorations and little odds and ends to add warmth to the room. weasley and kashmir have been extremely curious about the construction in baby's room, especially since the door has been shut and it has been considered OFF LIMITS. i caught weasley sitting on top of baby's dresser this morning. he quickly learned that that is not acceptable! i'm sure he sat there all day while i was at work just in spite of me.

hopefully time allows me a little more blogging - otherwise - i'm sure i'll be posting again in a month or so!

-the mays'

Sunday, March 13, 2011

an update in pictures

i can't believe i haven't blogged since january 29th! i'm turning into a ginormous slacker. i guess we'll start from february 1st and work our way to march... (don't worry, we haven't done much. we're lazy.)

on february 2nd we had quite the snow storm rip through town, leaving both morgan and me snowed in and unable to go to work (bummer). total, we had about two feet of snow, which was quite impressive to kashmir. he ran, jumped, and ate snow for the majority of the day. that weekend, the two older boys (kaedon and kalen)  came over and played on the huge snow mountain in the church parking lot with uncle morgan and kash. they had such a good time!! of course i couldn't stay and play because i had some shopping to do... hello williamsburg outlet mall!

me sitting on our sidewalk.
party on the mountaintop! kash, morgan, kal & kaed.
we celebrated two birthdays in february. kaedon charles turned 6 and kalen jacob turned 4. it's so hard to believe that they're not babies anymore! kaedon started kindergarten this year and kalen is in his first year of preschool. also a big milestone - kaedon lost his first tooth... or should i say TEETH? he lost his first two teeth in ONE night, and, because i'm a loudmouth (and i often forget he cannot sense sarcasm yet), he demanded $50 from the tooth fairy. the "tooth fairy" was NOT impressed, and promised to corrupt my child like i've corrupted theirs. yikes.

kaed's teeth. he was very unsure of the new feeling in his mouth.
birthday boys with crazy uncle morgan.
gorgeous krue.
oh, and how could i possibly forget this little detail: we officially passed the "half way" point in my pregnancy on valentine's day! and, our gift was an ultrasound to see how the little babe has progressed. it was absolutely amazing. it was hard, but baby mays' gender is still unknown. however, if we had to guess, we'd say BLUE based on the fact that the little sweetheart was in a wrestling stance for much of the ultrasound! :)

baby mays' profile @ 20 weeks.

at night, morgan and i like to sit on the couch and watch the baby try to kick its way out of my belly. it's quite hilarious. sometimes it looks like there is a bit of a dance party taking place in there, and other times it looks like s/he is taking judo chop lessons from jackie chan. regardless, we enjoy watching the little movements and wondering what exactly is going on in there!

little baby feet!

me at 23 weeks. (moo!)
march, thus far, has not been too eventful. we finally chose our color swatches and got the baby's room painted. we went with a neutral grey for the paint and an owl theme for the overall room. we had a custom bedding set made for us on, which should be ready in the next couple of weeks. also, we officially ordered the baby's furniture set and we should be able to pick it up in the next couple of weeks. we are so excited that it is all coming together. all we need is the baby to make it complete! i will be 24 weeks tomorrow, which means we have about 16 weeks of baby baking left. here's hoping the time flies by!

baby's custom crib set. LOVE!
painted room (and lots of stuff)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


last weekend, morgan's brother's sow gave birth to 11 little baby piglets. we were so excited (at least i was -- i love little piggies!) so we took our nephews kaedon & kalen out to see them. kaedon was all about it - kalen, not so much. i think he was a little worried to upset the mama pig, so he kept his distance. they are so little and make the cutest little piggy noises.

the boys got a bit of a chuckle when they realized that one of the piglets had taken a poo on uncle morgan. apparently this is the story that their parents heard quite a bit of. ("one of the piggies pooped on morgan and it was yellow!") leave it to the maines to obsess over poop!

we finally decided on a design for the nursery as well as the furniture, which is a HUGE relief. my friend jamie has been helping me with the tedious details -- she is amazing!! she knows how to turn me back into a sane person. little baby mays is quite active, i must say. s/he is all over the place, and kicked me a pretty good one this morning! we are still unable to feel his/her movements from the outside, so daddy still hasn't gotten to be involved. :( should be about 2-3 weeks before daddy will be able to feel him/her. we have our 20-week ultrasound on february 15 which is generally where they determine the sex of the baby, but as we previously mentioned, we are not going to find out. we agreed that this is one of the last surprises left on the planet, so we want to enjoy every second of the surprise. people's reactions to our decision not to find out the sex or to share our names has been pretty shocking! some people are just absolutely appalled and hound us every day, saying, "you'll change your mind!!" trust me, we won't. :) we're very content with our decision, and besides, you'll all know when we do!

-the mays'

Sunday, January 9, 2011

weekend endeavors

last weekend we took a trip down south to kentucky so we could have christmas with morgan's sister, martina, her husband, billy, and their daughter, reagan. normally the 9-hour drive isn't all that bad, but when you have to pee every hour it becomes a bit of a nuisance. we left friday morning at 4:30 am and drove through the thickest fog and the hardest downpour of rain to get there. needless to say, when we finally reached our hotel, we were beyond relieved. (especially me, who spent a great deal of the car ride bawling in a state of panic, convinced we were going to die.) we were doing great and then i caught a little bug later that night (new year's eve) and ended up falling asleep around 8:30. i was quite excited to wake up the next morning feeling 100% better. we couldn't wait to see everyone. the rest of morgan's family had driven down there earlier in the week, so the whole mays family was together. it was our first time seeing miss reagan since she learned how to walk - so cute! it's incredible how quickly kids grow when you don't see them every day. she is even saying words, which is so cute to hear her little voice! we spent a great deal of time trying to get some family photo ops taken (thank you jon & laura) but in general, it ended up being simply hilarious. logan & jerome are quite the comedians to say the least. on the way home, we got to stop at an outlet mall in indiana which was AWESOME. we spent a bulk of our time in motherhood maternity scoping out their sales, as well as in baby gap. (which, ps, they have hardly any gender neutral outfits - such a bummer!) although we enjoyed our time in kentucky, we were very happy to be home and in our own beds. weasley missed us terribly. kash didn't seem to mind - he got to spend the whole weekend out at granni's.

this is how you fit 10 people on a couch!
we assumed that this past weekend we would take it easy since we had been on the go so much last weekend. martina, billy, and reagan made the trip to iowa so we headed over to morgan's parent's house to spend time with them. how lucky were we to get two weekends in a row with them? saturday was a long day for us -- i discovered the day before that my chosen cloth diapers for the baby were being discontinued and thought i had a few weeks to purchase them before they were gone. by saturday morning, they had been completely removed from the website and i was in a state of complete & total panic. not to mention we decided to discuss the baby's nursery which ended up in a bit of a disagreement. the extinction of my diapers plus the dying vision of my dream nursery equalled several hours of tears for me. can i just say that the absolute WORST part of pregnancy is the hormones? for. real. it is quite the roller coaster ride and trust me, you have zero control over it! we finally came to a consensus, and just then, we discovered that the crib set we adored only came in black & white. GRRR. we need expresso to match our wood trim! back to square one. (however, i did discover early this morning that my cloth diapers were back on the site! $350 later, we have our complete stock of bumgenius all-in-ones. whew!)

crazily insane mays boys
on an even better note, this last week was when i started to feel little baby mays moving around. i'm only feeling little flutters, but it's enough to make his or her presence known! very, very excited for this, and definitely can't wait for the stronger kicks and movements to start! (that way daddy can be a part of it, too!)

reagan & uncle morgan

-the mays'